
Showing posts from May, 2024

some more random figures for D&D

recently while in the middle of painting my Masters of the Universe figures i took a trip to a local gaming store that has a decent assortment of Wizkids and Reaper miniatures but also available are 3d printed figures done by one of the associates that works there. while not looking for anything in particular i came across several nice figures that i bought just for humor and actually using one as a D&D character. a very bushy tailed fox like animal that i painted as a small fiery elemental creature. tried my best blending the reds, oranges, and yellows with a tip of white. muscle bound and raging!!! i found this dwarf or could be a very upset little helper that's just pissed off at Santa Claus. i saw this figure and i had to get it.  i saw this figure and i knew i had to get him. me personally i am not a cat person but once i saw this i had an idea of a D&D character. a tabaxi wizard of the school of necromancy, named Sindarus, the Shadowpaw.   last weekend i ordered figur

operation MotU: wave 2

  continuing with the Masters of the Universe figures from CMON with wave two. wave two consists of Man-E-Faces, Ram Man, Evil-Lyn, Faker, Trap Jaw, Tri-Klops, Panthor. for a change of pace i ended up painting a few hover robots since i have a decent amount of them and they were not part of the original toy-line. Heroic Warriors Man-E-Faces is a member of the Heroic Warriors, notable by his distinctive appearance, with his large, blue metal head on which his faces appear in its screen-like opening. His ability is to change his face from his regular human face to that of a robot and a monster. Ram Man is a member of the Heroic Warriors, characterized by his bulky, spring-legged appearance and flat-topped metal helmet. His special ability is to knock opponents or obstacles down with his super-hard helmet. Evil-Lyn attempts to cast a spell at Teela. Evil Warriors Evil-Lyn is an evil witch who aids Skeletor as his second-in-command with her powers of darkness. She is vastly more intelligen