operation MotU: wave 2


continuing with the Masters of the Universe figures from CMON with wave two.
wave two consists of Man-E-Faces, Ram Man,
Evil-Lyn, Faker, Trap Jaw,
Tri-Klops, Panthor.

for a change of pace i ended up painting a few hover robots since i have
a decent amount of them and they were not part of the original toy-line.

Heroic Warriors

Man-E-Faces is a member of the Heroic Warriors, notable by his distinctive appearance,
with his large, blue metal head on which his faces appear in its screen-like opening.
His ability is to change his face from his regular human face to that of a
robot and a monster.

Ram Man is a member of the Heroic Warriors, characterized by his bulky, spring-legged
appearance and flat-topped metal helmet. His special ability is to knock opponents or
obstacles down with his super-hard helmet.

Evil-Lyn attempts to cast a spell at Teela.

Evil Warriors

Evil-Lyn is an evil witch who aids Skeletor as his second-in-command with her
powers of darkness. She is vastly more intelligent than Skeletor's other minions, and while
she admits that she is not as powerful as Skeletor, she readily confesses that she hopes
so seize her master's powers and lord it over Eternia herself one day.

Faker is an evil duplicate of, He-Man, in service Skeletor. He was a magical being created
by Skeletor to serve him as an evil version of He-Man. Faker was an exact physical replica
of He-Man, with the only physical differences being his glowing eyes and
hollow-sounding voice.

Trap Jaw is a cyborg with a mechanical, sharp-toothed jaw with a deadly bite, and a robotic
arm onto which he can slot a wide range of different weapons. He also has a loop in his helmet,
which he can use to slide down wires.

Tri-Klops is a minion of the evil Skeletor and enemy of He-Man and the other heroes
of Eternia. He wears a rotating visor helmet with three artificial eyes fixed to it, each with a
special type of vision.

Panthor is Skeletor's evil feline companion, a giant purple panther who serves as an evil
counterpart to Battle Cat.

Hover Robots were metallic, robotic soldiers that served as minions for Skeletor and his
Evil Warriors, much like the robotic Horde Troopers served Hordak and the Evil Horde
as foot soldiers.

Hover Robots ambush Man-E-Faces.

more to come with wave three...


  1. These look great.
    I don't know much about MotU. I'm too old to have watched it when it first came out, and my kids are too young for me to have shared it with them, but you have some lovely looking minis there

    1. thanks buddy., MotU was my favorite cartoon growing up and when I was able to get a hold of these I couldn't resist.
      the cartoon was silly and campy for a five year old it was awesome.

    2. It certainly looks like a lot of fun


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