operation MotU: wave 6

wave six is the last group of miniatures of the Heroic and Evil Warriors.
along with this wave of figures i also completed another group of Eternian Guards
and the Eternian Royal Family.

even though Prince Adam was part of wave 3 in 1984 and King Randor in wave 6 in 1986,
Queen Marlena did not have an action figure during the original toyline.
so i decided to group all three here.
i do have a Cringer i could paint but i am not fond of the figure,
so for the time being i'm just going to set the figure aside.

wave six consists of Clamp Champ, King Randor, Queen Marlena, Prince Adam,
another group of Eternian Guards, Sorceress, Blast Attak, Ninjor, and Scareglow.

Heroic Warriors.

Clamp Champ.

King Randor, Queen Marlena, and Prince Adam.

i have to admit i was not happy with how this figure was coming out.
i hate painting with white.

Eternian Guards.

i took some of the pieces of rock terrain from the Battle of Eternia boardgame
and based them and painted them so they can represent the
Rock People in rock form.

Evil Warriors.


Blast Attak.

i was trying to imitate the glow in the dark effect that the action figure had,
without using actual glow in the dark paints. 


  1. What a fantastic array of MotU characters. I must confess I only recognised half of them, and am in awe that there are miniatures of them. You've done a top job on them with your painting too - and I like your white on the Sorceress. For me though Scareglow has to be my fave. Never heard of him until now but you've really brought him to life. What a cracking figure.

    1. thank you very much, i been using the slapchop method on these just to get them done and out on the table.
      the scareglow was the most intimidating figure to do because i wanted to achieve the glow effect. the sorceress was not a treat to do lol in my opinion. i hate painting anything white.


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