operation MotU: wave 1

 so begins a great adventure....

when i bought the CMON Masters of the Universe board game i knew what i was getting myself into.
but over time i didn't realize what kind of pile of shame i would have.

so i thought instead of being overwhelmed with what i should paint first,
i thought i'll paint what the original toy-line was back in the '80's starting with wave 1.

wave 1 consists of He-Man, Man-at-Arms, Teela, Stratos, Battle Cat,
Skeletor, Mer-Man, Beast Man, and Zodac.

 i painted them like the original cartoon or close enough to it.

Heroic Warriors

He-Man is the alter ego of Prince Adam and also the twin brother of She-Ra. He-Man and his
friends defend Eternia, the secrets of Castle Grayskull, and the entire universe from the
evil forces of his archenemy Skeletor.

Man-At-Arms is the primary title of Duncan. The role of a Man-at-Arms was to advise the
ruling planetary monarch and the Royal Guard on military and police affairs.

Teela is the Captain of the Royal Guard at the palace of Eternos and thus responsible
for training and protecting Prince Adam of Eternia.

Stratos is the leader of a race of Bird People of Avion, who possess the power of flight and
other bird-like abilities. The Bird People are close allies of He-Man, and Stratos is one of
his most trusted warriors.

Battle Cat is a huge, armored tiger that serves as the companion of He-Man in battle.
Equipped with a saddle, Battle Cat can carry several warriors into battle like a steed, but
his ferocious claws make him more formidable in combat than a mere horse.

Evil Warriors

Skeletor is the most dangerous threat on Eternia. His only goal is power, and to that end,
he will not rest until he possesses the secrets of Castle Grayskull, which will enable him to
become master of the universe.

Beast Man is the savage right-hand man of Skeletor, he has control over many wild
creatures and has brute strength.

Mer-Man is an aquatic ocean warlord in service to Skeletor. Though he reported to Skeletor
at Snake Mountain, Mer-Man usually dwell within the seas themselves, and often
operated independently of Skeletor and the other Evil Warriors; engineering his own
water-based schemes.

Zodac is an enigmatic cosmic enforcer. In general, the character is portrayed as being
neutral in the battle between good and evil.

more to come...


  1. That's a really good idea, Mr Martin. It's so easy to be overwhelmed in this day and age with so many releases. Terrific work on the minis too - I keep resisting the game and this posting hasn't helped. LOL!!

    1. thanks buddy, hate to say i only bought the game for the miniatures. i really don't have any interest in playing the board game. planning on using the figures in agnostic games i come across that these would fit into.


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operation MotU: wave 2

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