Kill Team: Space Wolves Commanders

recently finished my commanders for my Space Wolves kill team. first started with a librarian then i decided i wanted a chaplain. and then while converting some pieces for the chaplain i thought why not just do a captain also. with some arm swapping and certain pieces rearranged, i managed to get all three done in a timely fashion. Wolf Lord Torbjorn the Red armed with Storm Bolter and single Lightning Claw i added some doodads like a skull on top of the bolter, battle horn, Terminator Honors medallion, purity seal and the wolf cloak. Rune Priest Agnar armed with Storm Bolter and Force Sword. this miniature got a makeover. for the write up click on the link below. Rune Priest post Wolf Priest Halvard armed with Storm Bolter and Crozius Arcanum also added a few doodads such as purity seal and Terminator Honor medallion and a wolf skull on the bolter. the Crozius Arcanum was converted from a Thunder Hammer from a Space Wolf Wolf Guard Terminator box set.