Masters of the Universe collection

few years back i had a small collection of MotU figures from all sorts of
different manufacturers.
some were too small than others or not really sculpted good.
but i held on to them for some time until a trip to my local game store,
i found that they had the CMON Battle for Eternia boardgame and Kickstarter sets.

and such a purchase began a journey of hours of painting and a lifetime of playing out
some of my favorite episodes of the classic cartoon.

even though i have created posts of the process of getting these miniatures painted and
table ready i wanted to make a page to showcase all of the characters i was able to get.

when i went to paint these i wanted to paint them as close as i could to the original toy
that came out when i was a child.

- Heroic Warriors -

with what figures i had from these sets i did have a Teela in goddess outfit,
so i painted her as a Eternian Goddess.
instead of having two Teela, i could create two separate characters.
also i was pleased to have several guards for the Heroic Warriors,
nothing wrong with having some cannon fodder for the good guys.

- Evil Warriors -

just like the Teela figure in the goddess outfit,
there is a He-Man armed with a battle axe so i painted him as the Anti He-Man.

coming soon...
the Snake Men, the Evil Horde, and the Great Rebellion!


  1. Fab work on them all. I really like all the Eternian guards.Its the style of armour I think that does it.

    1. thank you very much.
      i used a different color for the weapons and helmet compared to the Man-At-Arms outfit.


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