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Historicon 2024

 haven't done much in the last month or so. i painted some miniatures but nothing worth posting of just yet. with a wreck of a work schedule and Dungeons and Dragons i been taking a well deserved break from pretty much everything. Rita and i did manage to make our way to Historicon this past weekend. with an already crazy and busy weekend we did get out and enjoy the sights of awesome tables set-ups and check out the deals in the dealer room and the flea market. we were roaming around checking out the game tables and almost forgot to take a few pics of some of the tables. once again Rita was the professional photographer for the blog. Rita wandered off and took pics of tables and i did not realize what she took pics of, so i least tried my best figuring out what the pics are.  an interesting WWII aerial game. with my clumsy arms i wouldn't be able to play this, but it looks great.  a WWII game featuring a german rail gun train, i assume. i thought Rita took another pic of this

Reaper's Baba Yaga's hut

 for some time now i've been wanting to get a hold of a Baba Yaga's hut from Reaper Miniatures and finally broke down and got one. i could have made one but with the lack of patience and somewhat time i just went and bought this one. once i got it i was really surprised that it was all one piece minus the two legs that are placed underneath it. it's somewhat light weight but very nice and durable. not a lot of cleaing or even mold lines which is nice. when painting it, i kept it simple. i didn't want to make it too pretty and clean. what the last D&D session kinda looked like. at some point i do want to make rooms like the Tenfold Dungeon sets i have but for this particular house. but made of foam board and lined inside with popsicle sticks to represent the wooden interior like a really old home. that'll be a project for when i have absolutely nothing to do. the chicken legs that the house is able to stand on.

forest hydra zombie

 a little over a year ago a friend's brother bought an Epic Counters from Steamforged Games box set, but unfortunately the model was broken and he got a replacement. the broken model was given to me and i held onto it for sometime thinking of what to do with it. i knew because one head of the hydra had broken off pretty much it was gonna be an undead creature. an unsuspected group of heroes stumbled across a hydra. recently i finally found an excuse to paint the hydra which i used Army Painter Speed Paints, and i don't recommend painting a large model with those style of paints. using the hydra model from the Swamp of the Hydra set from Steamforged games. will admit it is beautifully sculpted. i clipped off another head to have the hydra have a total of five heads. used Citadel Nurgle's Rot technical paint as goo and dismemberment insides.  a little close up of the moss and vines draping over the monster's body. the back end of the hydra.

D&D: two years later

back in april was the two year anniversary of our D&D group and i have to admit our journey as a group of friends has taken us on a roller coaster ride of awesome storytelling and crazy plot twists. and even its only two years and not like five or ten years, i thought a character update would be nice to show the "progression" of our characters and their stories. since last year as time intends to do, Rita's boys have been growing up and all but one has grown out of the game. which is fine i only started playing D&D in 2022. some players have come and gone but that happens. but as our story continues on so has the appearance of the cast of characters we all play with. we merged two separate groups of characters into a "league of heroes," that works on behalf of the royal crown. within our stories we also brought some characters that were favorites to everyone. and some new characters that were at first npc's for story plots but then created a life all

a little artsy fartsy...(updated, 5/26/24)

 the other day i needed to create a woodland environment for our next D&D game session but didn't want to spend much on a new gaming mat. Rita and i ended up going to Hobby Lobby just to look around and as we were walking around i had an idea on making table game maps out of painting canvases. i had Rita paint the canvas and the only directions i gave her was to create an abstract woodland piece of art. we bought a 24"x36" stretched canvas just to start out to see how it would all come about. comparing costs the 24x36 cost $22 a 3x3 gaming mat could run for close to $50, so we'll see how these hold up. after awhile if these hold up i want to do one for the MotU project and possibly a 3'x3' area for table top gaming. i have several pieces of trees and bushes to add to this set-up. Jon is making me some pieces using my palm trees desert terrain pieces and recoloring and adding some more forest related decor to them. several dragonborn sorcerers search throug

some heroes and a ninja bunny

 finishing up some more miscellaneous figures i recently got this past week and taking a break from the MotU project momentarily. just have several more to get done for D&D then most likely get wave 3 of Masters of the Universe figures completed for next month. painted a few miniatures for players in our D&D group to represent their characters. also in the pipeline is cultists, more spellcasters, and animated armor. few heroic warriors came across a big problem. painted this fellow for Jon, an elvish bladesinger wizard. Rita wanted to give a straight spellcasting class so she made a sorceress, so we got her a gnome sorceress from Next Level Miniatures. a 3d printed miniature from a local gaming store. a kung-fu rabbit. lol. a goblin ranger. honestly i think his skin color got too dark for my liking but i didn't want to go with the traditional green skin. i got a pack of familiars from Wizkids and had to get the one that had the little cat in it for my little kitty necromanc