my first Warhammer 40k miniature

back in late 1996-early 1997 at a local comic store, i was dumping quarters into a Mortal Kombat 3 arcade machine. and then after adventuring away from the arcade, i started playing Magic: the Gathering. after buying boosters and starter decks of Ice Age and Forth Edition, i was content on newly found hobby of trading card games. but after one day bored walking around the comic book store i stumbled on to a 6 foot wide section of wall with miniatures and books. asking more information about it, i was intrigued. so after a what seemed like an endless Q & A session i picked out a figure to take home and try out this new thing called table top wargames. and after all these years i can still recall what my very first warhammer 40k miniature was. Chaos Renegade with Multi-Melta #022317