Ezoghoul: very first miniature ever

i remember back in 1995-96, somewhere in that time frame i played some of my very first miniature table top games. there was a Star Wars game i remember, where i was a wookie that apparently was the toughest class/race in the game but yet i was in the back of the group trying not to die and not understanding my character's worth. then there was the second edition Warhammer 40,000. i maybe played one or two games and got my ass handed to me and thought this isn't fun. but after watching several more games at my local comic book shop i got used to the game. and before anything i bought my first miniature, which wasn't even a GW model. i saw the miniature and thought, "damn this is badass!" it was a Ezoghoul from Warzone: Mutant Chronicles game. so i took it home and glued it together. i remember gluing the head on to the torso then the torso onto the lower body. then the two lower body arms, after that i glued what i had done onto the feet/base. and that's wher...