painting Death Guard, the XIV Legion

i have always been a Nurgle fan boy since 40k second edition. haven't played 40k since then the models got sexier but the prices haven't. so getting back into 40k was kinda risky. but then Kill Team was released and i was over joyed. some squads and not huge armies! yes, please!! and so the first Kill Team faction i went for was.... the Death Guard. sadly after a few days looking at this miniature i did not like how his posture was after converting him. i clipped off the human head for a spiky helm. also wasn't fond of the spacing between the power fist arm and the rest of the body. so after debating i just discarded this fellow. you may be a follower of Grandfather Nurgle, but you're not a true follower, without some awesome dice. so start off i sprayed a Corax White primer on them. i've noticed if you get a powdered build up once the paint dries, just take a spare toothbrush with medium bristles and brush. the primer p...