Betrayal under Bunker 0813.19 - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

another crazy night with the lady and her boys.
after having a successful game of Fistful of Lead figured
this time Galactic Heroes with a touch of Heroquest using my Wizard of the Coast Star Wars figures.
great game with all the usual element of a Star Wars story. heroism, adventure and betrayal.

i always love Heroquest and since i don't play with my Space Hulk game as much as I like to, i do put the tiles in good use. recently i have been using them for floor plans of an underground bunker or facility with my Star Wars figures. which in my opinion are the perfect size and such. i don't count the squares or use a measuring tool for movement.
and for weapon ranges pretty much is in range because we are in compact spaces, the most a weapon's range would be depending how long and straight a corridor would be...anywhere from few inches to maybe 12inches.

 the band of Republic agents has come across a fallen Jedi and some hired guns..

 up to this point, i was giving the team led by two Jedi knights some advance.
but at this point i had them decide their own fate.
i guess it was the face of her two sons when they realized what was in the second they entered was great.

 the first event marker was reached.
i had them roll a d12 and if it was a low score..
well my girlfriend rolled a three.
scratching against the pipes was a Nexu, hiding in the shadows, trying to escape itself.

 reaching the last data interface they need for objective,
the team of heroes had to discard a few battle droids.

at this point my girlfriend's oldest son was kinda getting interested in the game,
so along with the narrative the team had come across a fellow whose been trying to  buy his time trying to escape from the separatists to get back to the Republic commanders with the data he has collected.
 but he also knows where the separatist leader is located in the underground facility.

the data technician leads them to the corridor where the leader is suppose to be.
they come another person of interest but is unease with this fellow.
he doesn't seem to have any allegiance to any faction other than himself.

the heroes open the first set of doors and stands by behind the second set of doors with blasters ready.
they open the doors and on the other side is General Grievous with retinue of magna guards, few battle droids, along with Wat Tombor.

when it came to the beginning of the heroes turns,
all shots fired towards the leader and his retinue.
injuring a droid and taking one out.
but her oldest son asked if he is able to close the door, and of course i replied yes.
with an evil grin, he announced theat the data technician closed the doors,
leaving the heroes to their own demise.
 such a betrayal.
the traitor had the mysterious man who they had come across execute the surviving heroes.

even after the game i could not believe what happened.
i was impressed and shock.
in all honesty i don't think i could have committed such an act.
but what a way to end the game.
i said to her sons maybe we'll continue this as a campaign and now since these heroes were slain in such a manner, the Republic army will react with a battalion of clone troopers and storm
the facility in full force.
more to come with this story...


  1. Such base treachery! Nice one dude!

    1. haha, thanks.
      i cant take the credit for the treacherous moment. wish i could though. lol

  2. Nice batrep! FFOL is a cool system. Love the indoor action here!

    1. Thanks man. Took me awhile to get into it but I agree FFoL is a great system, just not a fan of the playing card mechanic.


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