
Showing posts from 2020

lrn2play: X-Wing 1st ed. co/op

i introduced my girlfriend to X-Wing miniature game this past weekend. was actually surprised she caught on fairly quickly. we had lots of fun and sometimes we did really stupid things we couldn't stop laughing. layout of the table. nothing exciting just a straight forward shooting game. no special missions. we had Empire Strikes Back playing on her iPad for background noise. but we did stop and watch the battles scenes and such. I gave her ships of the Galactic Empire. two TIE fighters and Darth Vader. I took a Silencer and two f/o TIE fighters. everyone on the move. i flew my Silencer towards Vader to get an early kill but she plotted his movement zig zagging as she was getting used to the maneuver dials. at one point I had to execute a k-turn to get back on course.   it was funny watching her trying to get a hang of the dials and templates.  the crazy moves she was doing benefited her in the end. as hea...

lrn2play: Gaslands co/op

these past several days my girlfriend was staying with me since she was having her place get repainted. so i figured the other night to show and teach her how to play Gaslands. such a mistake on my part. just a small set up, using a 3x3 mat with some primed 40k Kill Team terrain pieces and racing gates. after gate one vehicle weapons become active and ready to fire. with the cars lined up i got the pole position and moved first. we didn't use sponsor perks or any real advanced rules, just wanted to show her, the basic move, fire and of course, collision. her very first dice roll of the game. two hazards and a slide. to me this was great so i had to take a pic. at this point i talked about "Pushing It" with the dice. with my first car out in front, my girlfriend took her car which is ironically named as her, Rita, "55 Chevy armed with rockets, and swerves out in front of my next car. honestly in my head this is the turning point of everything going south. so i had to ...

Kill Team: Space Wolves Commanders

recently finished my commanders for my Space Wolves kill team. first started with a librarian then i decided i wanted a chaplain. and then while converting some pieces for the chaplain i thought why not just do a captain also. with some arm swapping and certain pieces rearranged, i managed to get all three done in a timely fashion. Wolf Lord Torbjorn the Red armed with Storm Bolter and single Lightning Claw   i added some doodads like a skull on top of the bolter, battle horn, Terminator Honors medallion, purity seal and the wolf cloak.   Rune Priest Agnar armed with Storm Bolter and Force Sword. this miniature got a makeover. for the write up click on the link below. Rune Priest post   Wolf Priest Halvard armed with Storm Bolter and Crozius Arcanum also added a few doodads such as purity seal and Terminator Honor medallion and a wolf skull on the bolter. the Crozius Arcanum was converted from a Thunder Hammer from a Space Wolf Wolf Guard Terminator box set.

quick rpg tabletop fun

had some fun with the girlfriend and her boys once again. a street fight with the merry band of adventurers against a raiding party of Snakemen. this time around we were testing some homebrew rules i have been writing up for some time. everyone had fun. recently i purchased a bundle deal from Arcknight and used the town maps which on the under side is a graveyard. and i have to say they are nice and laminated. and to give it some feeling i had some World of Warcraft music and ambience playing off of the lady's iPad.   didn't have the proper miniatures for warband but in the group there was a dwarven hunter with a dire wolf, dwarven mage (they are brothers), human warrior, and an elvish shaman. inside the tavern there happened to be another human warrior who was seeking glory but had no brains. the raiding party of Snakemen with the coward leader behind the Snakeman with a bow. with two dwarves standing at the entrance of the tavern, the elvish shaman looks over their heads and ...

Space Wolves vs. Gellerpox Infected - 40k Kill Team

still learning the rules to Kill Team and the best way i learn is actually playing it. so i took what i have painted with my Space Wolves space marines and take on the Gellerpox Infected. since now i have the actual rules for them..(long story) i have been itching to see how they are in Kill Team. so i picked an easy mission, Face Off from the Commanders rulebook. Rune Priest in Terminator Armor and 125pts. of Space Wolf Company Veterans versus Vugrar Thrice-Cursed and 125pts. of the Infected. Mission: first team to take out enemy's commander wins. this game went six turns. was gonna end it at five but at beginning of turn six it was about to heat up. layout of the table. Space Wolves veterans deployment. my girlfriend was over when i was setting up and i had her roll for initiative, and made her deploy the space marines. she doesn't play much war games with me but she as they say in the movie Stripes "willing to learn." Gellerpox Infect...