lrn2play: X-Wing 1st ed. co/op

i introduced my girlfriend to X-Wing miniature game this past weekend.
was actually surprised she caught on fairly quickly.
we had lots of fun and sometimes we did really stupid things we couldn't stop laughing.

layout of the table.
nothing exciting just a straight forward shooting game.
no special missions.

we had Empire Strikes Back playing on her iPad for background noise.
but we did stop and watch the battles scenes and such.

I gave her ships of the Galactic Empire.
two TIE fighters and Darth Vader.
I took a Silencer and two f/o TIE fighters.

everyone on the move.

i flew my Silencer towards Vader to get an early kill but she plotted his movement
zig zagging as she was getting used to the maneuver dials.
at one point I had to execute a k-turn to get back on course.
it was funny watching her trying to get a hang of the dials and templates. 
the crazy moves she was doing benefited her in the end.

as heavy firing was taking place elsewhere I broke away with my Silencer.
Darth Vader ended up taking a scenic route across the stars.

Darth Vader finally entering what would become the second hot spot on the battlefield. 

i ended screwing up my movement with my Silencer and flew him off the table edge.
at this point most shots i was making he was saving.
game was such a stand still.

at this point I had managed to bring Vader and one other TIE fighter down to one hull point
and lost a Silencer.
she managed to keep all her ships from being destroyed. 


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