
Showing posts from September, 2020

Space Wolves vs. Gellerpox Infected - 40k Kill Team

still learning the rules to Kill Team and the best way i learn is actually playing it. so i took what i have painted with my Space Wolves space marines and take on the Gellerpox Infected. since now i have the actual rules for them..(long story) i have been itching to see how they are in Kill Team. so i picked an easy mission, Face Off from the Commanders rulebook. Rune Priest in Terminator Armor and 125pts. of Space Wolf Company Veterans versus Vugrar Thrice-Cursed and 125pts. of the Infected. Mission: first team to take out enemy's commander wins. this game went six turns. was gonna end it at five but at beginning of turn six it was about to heat up. layout of the table. Space Wolves veterans deployment. my girlfriend was over when i was setting up and i had her roll for initiative, and made her deploy the space marines. she doesn't play much war games with me but she as they say in the movie Stripes "willing to learn." Gellerpox Infect...

[updated] Rune Priest Terminator for 40k Kill Team

after painting the old Logan Grimnar as my Wolf Lord for my Space Wolves kill team i wanted to do a librarian for my team also. since i had a box set of Wolf Guard Terminators i figured i wouldn't need all five miniatures for a team so i made one into a Rune Priest. i went and build a Rune Priest Terminator as you can see in the pic above, but after some considerations i redid the miniature. i removed the wolf cloak after i decided to make a Terminator Captain. thinking the captain should be more ornamented with riches of war. i added a wolf guard iconography with a darken blue center to represent his "librarian" status. i originally went with a force axe but after deciding i was gonna make a Wolf Priest Terminator i had to swap some pieces around among the miniatures. so this time i armed the Rune Priest with a force sword. i painted the left shoulderpad with a little bit of a blue to signify that he was of a librarian of some sort. and also i added a wolf ...