[updated] Rune Priest Terminator for 40k Kill Team

after painting the old Logan Grimnar as my Wolf Lord for my Space Wolves kill team
i wanted to do a librarian for my team also.
since i had a box set of Wolf Guard Terminators i figured i wouldn't need all five miniatures
for a team so i made one into a Rune Priest.

i went and build a Rune Priest Terminator as you can see in the pic above, but after some
considerations i redid the miniature.

i removed the wolf cloak after i decided to make a Terminator Captain.
thinking the captain should be more ornamented with riches of war.
i added a wolf guard iconography with a darken blue center to represent his "librarian" status.

i originally went with a force axe but after deciding i was gonna make a Wolf Priest Terminator i had to swap some pieces around among the miniatures.
so this time i armed the Rune Priest with a force sword.

i painted the left shoulderpad with a little bit of a blue to signify
that he was of a librarian of some sort.
and also i added a wolf guard trinket hanging off his side.

while i was redoing this miniature i also gave it match shoulderpads.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks man, i even had a go with tribal tattoos on him also. really cant see it.


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