Turf War - FFoL: Wasteland Warriors

layout of the table. using my 40k Kill Team terrain. got an excuse to use my new Wiley Games game tokens and blast template. my girlfriend, Rita was excited to use the flamer template. lots of blood splattered in this game. between the amount of wound and shock markers, i should of ordered more. member of the House Goliath with a grenade launcher suffering for his troubles trying to take out a member of the House Escher. the scenario of this game was the members of House Goliath was trying to take over the industrial site by hacking into the data modules that are scattered around the site. House Goliath would win by either killing all the members of House Escher or hacking into the three data modules. one of the three data modules. members of the House Escher taking aim down below. a member of House Goliath being taking down by lasgun fire.