lrn2play: HATE co/op

few weeks ago i saw on Miniature they had HATE on sale and this was a board game i was so interested in since its debut on Kickstarter.
so i jumped at the chance and get the core box set and the three expansion tribes before they are gone.
 and when i got my package i was so eager to open it.
i waited for my girlfriend to come over after work to check it out also.
and the quality of the product is a 9.5/10.
no lie.

so after a weeks or so getting the basic game play rules down,
i asked my girl, Rita if she wanted to try it.
in all honesty i was afraid she wouldn't like it.

so i set up a layout of plateau tokens,
instead of using the tribe miniatures from the two huge boxes of figures you get..(107 in total),
i used the two expansion tribes instead.
the Um'Tull and the Sarrassa.

Rita taking control of the Um'Tull which are specialists in poisons,
and i took over the Sarrassa, the cursed undead that roam the planet.

a youngblood takes aim to strike down a foe from a distance.
first blood.

the Sarrassa champion looks over the plateau and sizes up the Um'Tull Prince.

end of round one, Rita took some casualties and off to the right side of the board a nice area of conflict erupted.

eye for an eye.

the Um'Tull prince faces the Sarassa champion.

Rita was holding her ground with her tribe fairly well.
the Sarrassa prince started to approach the melee.

end of round two and several pockets of fighting.

start of round three i mentioned that with the one strong and weakness with the Sarrassa is that they are somewhat powerful but then because of a special tribe card they become weak.
so we starting playing with the tribe cards and it didn't take Rita anytime to figure out how to use
the poisons of the Um'Tull.

the Um'Tull prince has started to make his way to establish his claim to the land.

with some cunning and brutal tactics i was able to down Rita's prince.
it was a chore but i got it done.

by the end of round four,
it was clear these lands were meant for the slumbering undead of the Sarrassa.

i know there were a few rules we messed up but we're still learning.
after the game i asked her what she thought of it and,
she said it's kinda like chess...just a little barbaric and bloody.


  1. Replies
    1. yeah man go for it.
      I've been looking at this game since 2018 and missed out on the kickstarter so I jumped on it since MM put it on their site

  2. Replies
    1. they are great, kinda scared to paint them, they look so nice.
      one thing i love with this game is the miniatures match damn near 99% of the artwork on their data cards.

    2. They look like they have a ton of detail! Just go slow and chip away.

    3. yeah, this will be a year long project. lol


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