Chronicles of HATE - clash five, the conclusion
our last two battles. as this chronicle played out we were still learning several rules that we didn't use all the time. for the first battle of the last clash we did not have a lot of time to play so we picked Rita's favorite scenario. first battle she wanted to play Crumbling Grounds again. this scenario is a nerve wrecking, after every turn except the last pieces of the board "drop" from underneath our figures. those that fell we lose, so at random you could lose quite a bit or only a few figures. layout of the board. we had the one window curtain open so there was a small glare on the table. figured i would get Char up in there and take out some of Rita's, just to have the chance of those dying might parish and not return in the last game. and yet Char does not disappoint. took a bit but i took out a few of hers including her merc. wish Char having the Cleave ability is so devastating. the Tyrant takes out the Prince of the Um'Tull. after only a turn or tw...