the risen Dark Lord still searches...

last week i went out and bought a small handful of WizKids D&D miniatures again.
and this time around i managed to get the Fire Giant miniature and was amazed on his size.
but like usual i didn't paint it as it is always shown or named,
i painted this fellow with a gray skin-tone color and nothing related to with fire.

he might possibly be a named villain in my upcoming D&D campaign.

i went with basic colors.
did not want to go all fancy like and such.
i used browns and whites and with a black wash,
the white colored armor actually turned into a dirty and muck looking suit.

group of heroes facing the large villain in the middle of town.

another Firbolg Ranger.
this lone Firbolg is named the White Wolf.

once again another dwarf.
this time armed with an axe and shield.

a Dragonborn paladin with an epic cloak and massive shield and sword.
taking a short cut on painting his armor,
using the same idea as i did on the large miniature mentioned
at the top of the blog post.

this dwarf i noticed had a wolf like shoulder ornament on his right.
so with that included on his armor,
i decided to add some Space Wolf totems from a spare
40k Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminator plastic sprue.


  1. Great work on all of these, the giant especially looks really good.

    1. thank you, wasn't sure if the giant came out well or not. was trying something new and left it be.

  2. Those look stunning, that giant is truly, well, gigantic (sorry). Some of those prepaints can be very nice, as can the older WotC ones if you can find them.

  3. Great stuff! The giant is my favorite out of the bunch.


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