the eldritch horrors of the prepainted

 recently the D&D group has begun a new adventure and i wanted to do many tie-ins with
H.P. Lovecraft influence be it creatures/characters from his writings or just the theme of a
cosmic horror threat to humanity.

i came across some Pathfinder and Wizkds figures that are straight out of the writings of
Lovecraft and couldn't be happier.
even though these are prepainted figures i gave them a black wash, varnish coat, and a change
of base so they would blend in with the rest of my collection.

a solo adventure session for my friend Chris with his character Crinkleshorts, a gnome warlock,
 discovering an abandoned idol in the desert Crinkleshorts is transported to a sanctum of
knowledge and mystery.
in addition to coming into contact with a few creatures that are not of this plane.

not sure on how big these yithians were i bought quite a few but then once i got them i then
realized how large they were.

knowing Wizkids made these elder things i also bought a few but was kinda disappointed by
the size compared to the yithians but it is what it is.
but compared these to the humanoid figures from Wizkids and the size difference isn't all that
bad according to the description in the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.

for one of the adventures i wrote for our D&D group i needed a skeleton giant so i got this
fire giant skeleton from Wizkids.
not necessarily a fire giant but just needed a huge skeleton of some sort and i thought
the fellow looked awesome.

so I had these miniatures for some time and when i was cleaning up after a weekend of gaming,
i looked at the goliath male figure i have and thought he would be a badass
character to play as in D&D.
then a few days later while reading the monster manual i read the entry for lycanthropes and
thought i have a bear and a werebear,
why not make a goliath barbarian that is cursed with lycanthropy.
so i created Ohthek the Bloodmaw.

i clipped each of the axes and converted old Warhammer chaos warriors halberds so
i had matching axe heads for both the goliath and werebear.

the D&D group being blasted out of the sky off their skyboat and making their way to the tomb.
for this set-up i used most of the foam terrain i have made.

the undead giant of Thanatos, awaken from his hundred years slumber.
for the tomb i used a candy container i had ever since last halloween.


  1. Awesome stuff. I'll have to check out those Wizkids Eldritch horrors myself.
    It's great how little changes, such as rebasing and weapon swaps, can make an assortment of minis into a coherent collection.

    1. I believe the eldritch creatures are under the Pathfinder banner of Wizkids.
      it does make everything look uniform and fit together either its pulp or fantasy, or the mixture of the two.

  2. We fought that same giant skeleton figure a few months back in the D&D campaign I play in. Nice work integrating these into your collection!

    1. thank you very much. I don't have many giants but there's a new death giant necromancer I saw that came out not too long ago from the Bigby Present: Glory of Giants expansion. she looks evil, but so awesome.

  3. Great selection of figures. I'm particularly impressed with the Great Race of Yith models. But they're one of my fave of Lovecraft's creations.

    1. thank you.
      i've been so enthralled with Nyarlathotep and anything involved with him. that is my favorite of Lovecraft.


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