operation MotU: wave 4

continuing with the Masters of the Universe figures from CMON with wave three.
wave four consists of Roboto, Moss Man, Stinkor, Two Bad, and Spikor.
for a change of pace i ended up painting a few eternian guards since i have
a decent amount of them and they were not part of the original toy-line.
in the CMON Battle for Eternia set it came with a He-Man carrying an axe
and shield so i decided to paint him as an Anti He-Man.
and shield so i decided to paint him as an Anti He-Man.
the set also came with a Teela in snake themed armor and i decided to
paint her as an Eternian Goddess.
paint her as an Eternian Goddess.

Heroic Warriors.


Moss Man.

Eternian Guards.

Eternian Goddess.

cornered like rats!!

Evil Warriors.


Two Bad.


Anti He-Man.
more to come....
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