HMGS Fall In! 2023

 it's been several years since i have been able to get out to a convention let
alone a HMGS convention.
when the time came i was super excited i was able to take Rita along with,
to her first gaming convention.

first since we were near it, we headed into the flea market area and checked out
all the nice deals other gamers were selling.
after only being there for less than 20mins i already spent $60 on several miniatures for
scatter pieces and creatures for fantasy/pulp.

after that we began walking around checking out the tables and set-ups,
i told Rita she had full range of taking pics for my blogs to post.
so basically she was excited for the gaming experience and taking pics.

here are some of the great games and tables we saw.

a Tora, Tora, Tora! game.

there was this game that i guess was a parody of the Wizard of Oz(z).
Rita really got a kick out of this one.

i did think that mushroom village in the top pic was really cute.
Rita said i needed to get some pumpkin soldiers. lol.

the main characters.

few tables away from the Oz(z) game there was this game.
and i don't even know how to describe it.
but it had to be the strangest game we saw.

a wild west game with a great set-up.
i asked Rita to take a pic for inspiration for my own table.

ran into a buddy from my local gaming group,
caught up with him while he was in this WWII game.

forgot what was this game,
but this was my favorite table.

i almost had a tear in my eye when i saw Man O' War being played.
personally i never got to play this back in the day but i was joyed to seeing it at Fall In!.

this table was cool with the rolling hills.

a Warhammer 40k game Rita and i eventually joined later on in the afternoon.

Rita really liked this table with all the colors of the trees and such.

i could be wrong but this table may or not be involved with a fellow that was running
four games all at the same time.
but the table in the foreground with the massive wall was beautiful.

towards the end of our great day at Fall In!,
we ended up playing a beginner's game of 40k even though i've played 40k
many years ago i had no idea how to play the recent edition.

since the game had already started we were just sitting with the guys who were
running the game having fun.
we were dropped in the middle of the game, literally in the middle of the game,
as knights errant titans.

Rita plotting her next move.

an alliance of ours of course didn't last long.
her little titan blew up which 90% of everything including me went with her.

another convention in the books,
Rita said she had an amazing time and is already looking forward to 2024
and hopefully many more in the future.
i am really happy she had a great time and also sharing
this moment with her was a dream.


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