some heroes and a ninja bunny

 finishing up some more miscellaneous figures i recently got this past week and taking a
break from the MotU project momentarily.
just have several more to get done for D&D then most likely get wave 3 of
Masters of the Universe figures completed for next month.

painted a few miniatures for players in our D&D group to represent their characters.
also in the pipeline is cultists, more spellcasters, and animated armor.

few heroic warriors came across a big problem.

painted this fellow for Jon, an elvish bladesinger wizard.

Rita wanted to give a straight spellcasting class so she made a sorceress,
so we got her a gnome sorceress from Next Level Miniatures.

a 3d printed miniature from a local gaming store.
a kung-fu rabbit. lol.

a goblin ranger.
honestly i think his skin color got too dark for my liking but i didn't want to go
with the traditional green skin.

i got a pack of familiars from Wizkids and had to get the one that had the little cat in
it for my little kitty necromancer wizard.
also if i ever get the Find Familiar spell i can just use the little kitty cat as a familiar.

more to come.. 


  1. Lovely work as always.
    If you want to avoid green for goblins, they were originally yellow in Dungeons and Dragons

    1. much appreciated.
      yellow isn't a friendly color to work with. lol.
      next time I'll have to try it out though.

    2. I've heard people get good results over a base coat of pink! Never tried that myself, so can't comment.
      My DND goblins are more a tan colour, so I basecoat brown, highlight yellow then give it my magic wash

    3. i'll have to give it a try, every time i do a tan it almost always comes out darker than what i want. next time when i do goblins i'll try the yellow.


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