D&D: two years later

back in april was the two year anniversary of our D&D group and i have to admit our
journey as a group of friends has taken us on a roller coaster ride of awesome
storytelling and crazy plot twists.
and even its only two years and not like five or ten years,
i thought a character update would be nice to show the "progression" of our characters and their stories.

since last year as time intends to do, Rita's boys have been growing up and all but
one has grown out of the game.
which is fine i only started playing D&D in 2022.

some players have come and gone but that happens.

but as our story continues on so has the appearance of the cast of characters we all play with.
we merged two separate groups of characters into a "league of heroes,"
that works on behalf of the royal crown.

within our stories we also brought some characters that were favorites to everyone.
and some new characters that were at first npc's for story plots but then created a
life all on their own.

characters from the original group:
Breena Clodagh - female elf druid,
Crinkleshorts - male gnome warlock,
and Grungni Darkmantle - male dwarf cleric.

former members of an underground crime syndicate:
Pierce M. - male human bard,
Valeriya - female half-orc fighter,
and Usagi - female harengon rogue.

along the way we made some additional characters to mess around with,
me personally i made characters i wanted to envision in our story that would either be a
pain in the ass or just down right evil.

Mystan - male dragonborn paladin,
Emily Scarlett - female gnome sorceress,
and Vervada - female dragonborn druid.

a character i created just because i found a really kick ass miniature and i knew
i needed this little bastard in our D&D story.
Sindarus - male tabaxi necromancer wizard with his entrusted friend, Mr. Snibbly.

Solveliss - male elf wizard,
and Roshakuna - male minotaur barbarian.

a little tribute to the fallen characters throughout this past year,
Autolycus Firahel - male half-elf rogue, gone missing into the Feywild,
and Quirog - male tortle monk who was killed in melee combat in another realm.


  1. It's great to see these characters and read how your games have grown.
    It sounds like your having a great time, here's to the next two years (then ten, twenty etc)

    1. it's been fun, for me at least bringing back my dwarf cleric was a moment everyone was like wtf. lol. anv having everyone at the table cheer was awesome.


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