Historicon 2024

 haven't done much in the last month or so.
i painted some miniatures but nothing worth posting of just yet.
with a wreck of a work schedule and Dungeons and Dragons i been taking a
well deserved break from pretty much everything.

Rita and i did manage to make our way to Historicon this past weekend.
with an already crazy and busy weekend we did get out and enjoy the sights of awesome
tables set-ups and check out the deals in the dealer room and the flea market.

we were roaming around checking out the game tables and almost forgot to
take a few pics of some of the tables.
once again Rita was the professional photographer for the blog.
Rita wandered off and took pics of tables and i did not realize what she took pics of,
so i least tried my best figuring out what the pics are. 

an interesting WWII aerial game.
with my clumsy arms i wouldn't be able to play this, but it looks great. 

a WWII game featuring a german rail gun train, i assume.

i thought Rita took another pic of this but this circus maximus to
show a wide shot of it,
but this was really cool to look at.
can only imagine how the game went. 

not sure what time period this would be,
but a 6'x18' set-up is impressive enough. 

some more great looking tables.

an US Civil War table,
with an elevated table side for a very steep hillside.

viking game using the Ravenfeast rules.

wasn't sure when Rita showed me these pics when i was on the other side of the game hall.
but if i had to guess it looks like 3-6mm ancient greek game.
(edit: after watching a few videos on Youtube of Historicon 2024,
come to find out this is a 2mm ancient greek battle.)

while at Historicon i did manage to pick up some loot. 

been eyeing this for sometime, i somewhat have been itching
for a new set of pulp rules to try out.

recently i became interested in Silver Bayonet from Osprey games.
there's nothing wrong with some napoleonic horror. 

and once again i was able to get a hold of another set of Tenfold Dungeon terrain,
this time i got another Castle set.


  1. Oo, some great pictures there, looks like a fantastic show.
    You got Silver Bayonet. Wonderful, please let us know what it's like.

    1. thanks, since i am on vacation i'm gonna do some playtests with whatever i have on hand.
      so far i enjoy what i have read and messed with so far.
      already getting some ideas for what i wanna do. might put together a french unit for the Egypt setting and british/eastern european for generic horror.


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