a little artsy fartsy...(updated, 5/26/24)

 the other day i needed to create a woodland environment for our next D&D
game session but didn't want to spend much on a new gaming mat.

Rita and i ended up going to Hobby Lobby just to look around and as we were walking
around i had an idea on making table game maps out of painting canvases.

i had Rita paint the canvas and the only directions i gave her was to create an abstract
woodland piece of art.

we bought a 24"x36" stretched canvas just to start out to see how it would
all come about.

comparing costs the 24x36 cost $22 a 3x3 gaming mat could run for close to $50,
so we'll see how these hold up.

after awhile if these hold up i want to do one for the MotU project and possibly a
3'x3' area for table top gaming.

i have several pieces of trees and bushes to add to this set-up.
Jon is making me some pieces using my palm trees desert terrain pieces and recoloring and
adding some more forest related decor to them.

several dragonborn sorcerers search through the ruins of an ancient temple.

a villainous wizard discusses his plans on recovering an ancient relic
with his apprentices.

a halfling barbarian sizes up his opponent, as the minotaur warrior prepares his axes.

gave my friend and fellow D&D group member Jon several of my desert tree terrain pieces
to convert into some woodland forest pieces a few weeks back.
and just days after Rita finished the canvas painting he said he just finished the tree pieces.
such great timing how everything came together.

the colors used on the canvas could not blend and mesh any better than they do once
the terrain pieces are placed on the canvas.
Jon did such a great job making those.
i told him i might give him a few more pieces to convert over. 

little close up.
i was honest with Jon in saying to him, i do not have the decor know-how on how to
decorate and build terrain pieces like these.

a minotaur barbarian stalks a spinosaurus or is it the other way around?
"clever girl."


  1. Using canvases is a really great idea. The grass/woodland painting effect is marvelous.
    And it's good to see those Arcane Ruins again

    1. thanks. I was surprised and pleased how well it came out. Rita did such a great job on it. already talking about a 3'x3' for MotU. just need to settle on a color scheme


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