Reclamation - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

started messing around with my FFoL: Galactic Heroes rules and my GW miniatures,
and i looked up and modified a scenario.
knowing that Necromunda and 40k doesn't mix well in appearance i wanted to
do a FFoL game this week.

layout of the table

four scattered chests the Death Guard need to collect and exit the opposite table corner.
instead of getting all four, the Chaos marines have to collect three of four.
the game lasts six turns.

 the Nurgle host along with a daemon.
the daemon is considered to be a galactic villain for gaming purposes.

the natives of the planet, a gang of ex-cons who escaped the hive cities,
Kathina Celeste leader of this misfits, leads her youngbloods on the right flank,
while the fabled Steel Prophet, Bjorn the Bloodied Handed took the gunners
and moved in a forward position.

 chucking grenades from his launcher carelessly, Rannulf misfires and runs out of ammo.

 the daemonic creatures charges Kathina and her ladies and gets cut down.

Bjorn the Bloodied Handed took some fire charging into close combat but was able to cut down his foe with his mighty power axe.
the surviving marine attempted to take out the Steel Prophet but was unsuccessful.

 Captain Kathina Celeste was victorious in straying off the intruders,
and once again protecting her turf from anyone,..or anything.


  1. Very nicely done. Really enjoyed this and loved the Necromunda/Nurgle mash-up nature of the opposing sides. Lots of lovely pics too. Great stuff :-)

  2. Great batrep, great system. I really like Galctic Heroes.

    1. i mainly use my WotC Star Wars miniatures for my FFoL: Galactic Heroes games.
      but i got my wasteland warriors done so i busted out my 40k death guard kill team and had some fun.


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