Trouble in Sector 8.13.19 pt. II - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

part two of the ongoing story of the assault of the underground facility that is being
used by the Trade Federation and the Separatists.

part one can be found here:
link: trouble in sector 8.13.19 pt. I

layout of the board.
second floor going down into the underground facility.

wasn't long until the heroic crew ran into trouble.

security was high at this point.
more B1 Battle Droids present as alarms were raised.

the crew separated to cover more ground.

sounds were coming from a shaft around the corner,
the crew leader went to investigate it.

brave crew member faces down blaster fire...

only to protect the crew's technician so he is able to locate the next computer terminal.

a Nexu was prowling..

a showdown between Clone Troopers and Battle Droids.

the crew leader is attacked by the Nexu

a ferocious clash of claws and blaster pistol fire.

one by one,
the Battle Droids are relentless,
but they are no match for the DC-15A Blaster Carbine in the hands of a skilled trooper.

the Jedi Knight and crew leader gets closer to the elevator shaft,
and ran into a Octuptarra Tri-Droid.

without hesitation the crew members fired upon the droid,
in result taking it out.

blocking their path to the elevator shaft is a Sith Assassin and few Battle Droids.
could be possibly the same one that killed the young padawan.

with the Jedi Knight and the Sith Assassin locked into a
grisly and fierce hand-to-hand combat,
blaster fire was taking place around them as the
heroic crew were taking out the Battle Droids.

the bloody price to save the galaxy.

with only a hand few of survivors,
the decision of going ground level for reinforcements and further instructions,
or press on and find Wat Tambor and his henchmen.


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