Trouble in Sector 8.13.19 pt. I - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

wanted to do something different so i pulled out my Space Hulk tiles and set up for a game using Galactic Heroes rules. i added a few things just for fun but overall i stuck to the Wiley Games rules.

background story:
small group of heroes of the Republic sneaks into an underground facility and to take out
one of the head figures of the Trade Federation.
data shows that Foreman Wat Tambor and the chairman of the Intergalactic Banking Clan, San Hill
was inside overseeing an inside operation.

layout of the board.

the band of heroes

to open the corridor doorways the heroes must pass a task dice roll to open the doors.

the doorways that need to be opened to advance throughout the facility.

the heroes right away ran into a Sith Acolyte and some henchmen.

first doorway to be opened.

Jedi Knight enters a room cautiously.

found a weapons cache that will be put to good use.

ready to enter a room and is greeted by some B1 Battle Droids.

cleared a room, then took a different route.

opened the corridor doorway, and there at the end of the corridor waited,
Asajj Ventress and several Battle Droids.

overview of the table.

Wat Tombar and Co. waiting for perfect time to escape.

the heroic band split up to cover more ground.

the group's technician specialist trying to open a doorway.

a Sith Assassin waits for his target..

a duel of the fates..

the Jedi Knight's padawan

fighting to survive across the facility.

more B1 Battle Droids are sent to settle the incursions, but fail.
the Jedi padawan is taken down by Droid blaster fire.

 heroes coming across event tokens.

out of the shadows a loose Nexu pounces and kills a member of the group,
but it turn the Nexu was taken down quickly by the other crew members.

clearing more Battle Droids to advance.

opened another room to find more Droids,
but also attempting to open a side door.

easy targets,
the Jedi Knight reflected a blaster shot that took out one of the Droids.

Massiffs were found and weren't so friendly.

regrouped and continuing the mission.

more B1 Battle Droids.

back up has arrived.
the leading commander thought this mission needed more support to
bring in such a high priority target.

attempting to unlock the door with some expertise.

shots fired,
one wounded and one taken out.

the Clones position themselves.


after a great fight and a costly one,
the Jedi Knight was able to take down the great Bounty Hunter..for now.

Wat Tambor and company eventually made an escape.
where no one is for sure,
but they couldn't have gone far.
to be continued...


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