HATE: Crumbling Plateaus

layout of the table to come to my surprise my girlfriend Rita actually enjoys a little Hate ever now and then. this past weekend we had another one off game using one of the scenarios and i have to admit this was the best time i ever had playing a board game or even table top wargaming period. this particular scenario uses the plateau templates and that it, no game board. we set up our tribes according to the scenario sheet and got ourselves ready. what makes this nerve wracking than most is at the end of turn one, two and three roll of a dice and marked plateau templates are taking out of play as if they crumbled and fell apart, and everyone else who were on those templates. Rita picked the Um'Tall tribe once again mastering the art of poisons, as for me i went with the Bul'Gar tribe and the their ability of mind control and raising the fallen. not gonna lie, having Hielung playing in the background takes this game to a whole another level. round one didn't go to plan as i...