throwback: Great Unclean One

this past week i received a large haul of gaming stuff.
miniatures i never seen before, several pieces i remember from
when i started gaming with second edition Warhammer 40k,
and stuff i only seen pics of on the internet or old hobby magazines.

and in the stockpile of stuff i got i was able to get a sealed
Great Unclean One daemon miniature.
this bad boy came out in 1996 and i remember getting mine in '97
and taking it to my first Games Day '98 for the Golden Daemon competition.

this is the first miniature i painted in about 2 weeks,
taking a break from painting my German Nazis for my pulp gaming collection.
i pretty went about doing it the same way i did my Death Guard space marines last year.

still in the box.
so many memories..

totally forgot some of the larger miniatures came in a foam insert.
the smell of aged metal was funny,
haven't worked with miniatures that were this size and multiple pieces like this.
everything now these days is plastic.

glued all the pieces and i kept the left arm unattached
so it would be easier to paint around the left shoulder.
i did remember how much a pain in the ass the tongue was so this time
around i didn't bother gluing the tongue on.
i did forgot how much metal flash was left behind on the pieces when
i went to clean the them.
i would be in the process of painting and found a part with a flash piece sticking on it, thinking it was a maggot on the model or something,

even after 21 years,
this has to be one of my favorite models i ever done.
i would probably use this model for my pulp and fantasy games most of the time,
especially Fistful of Lead Fantasy: Monsters and Mazes is being release soon.

not a good way to start the day with


  1. That is still a fabulous model even these days. Lovely work! I must admit I don't miss these in metal most my large figures are in resin and I can't imagine humping these big lumps around.

    1. thanks man, i enjoyed painting this soo much.
      i am so pleased i was able to find this miniature again, after all these years.
      and yeah hauling these large metal models were kinda a pain but putting them on the table and watch ur opponent's eyes get big with fear was the payoff. lol.


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