underneath Andorhal - FFoL: Fantasy

since i didn't clear the table from our recent D&D session i redid the sewer tiles and had a small fantasy Fistful of Lead game to kill time. just grabbed a small band of characters and had them fight random bad guys. i took some miniatures i don't play with enough and made a small band of heroes to explore a troubled section of the city's sewer system. reports of ungodly things lurking below. the group has come across an entrance from below to a building that is rumored to be a house of necromancy. in the heroic group: Odin Hornsby - human paladin, Helmsley Whispermouse - halfling rogue, Maurganra, Born of Twilight - elf warlock, Ebrum Windhide - dwarf fighter, Grotfang Snaga - orc barbarian the party splits, a few meet up with a skaven packmaster and a few giant rats,.. and the others with more giant rats. after some bad dice rolling, a lot of shaken tokens were distributed. the paladin kills a giant rat outright, the orc barbarian charges forth only to meet his demis...