underneath Andorhal - FFoL: Fantasy

since i didn't clear the table from our recent D&D session i redid the sewer tiles and
had a small fantasy Fistful of Lead game to kill time.
just grabbed a small band of characters and had them fight random bad guys.

i took some miniatures i don't play with enough and made a small band of heroes to
explore a troubled section of the city's sewer system.
reports of ungodly things lurking below.
the group has come across an entrance from below to a building that
is rumored to be a house of necromancy.

in the heroic group:
Odin Hornsby - human paladin,
Helmsley Whispermouse - halfling rogue,
Maurganra, Born of Twilight - elf warlock,
Ebrum Windhide - dwarf fighter,
Grotfang Snaga - orc barbarian

the party splits,
a few meet up with a skaven packmaster and a few giant rats,..

and the others with more giant rats.

after some bad dice rolling,
a lot of shaken tokens were distributed.

the paladin kills a giant rat outright,
the orc barbarian charges forth only to meet his demise.
first half of this was so horrible because of bad dice throws for combat.

the dwarf fighter falls in combat,
as the halfling rogue fights off the rats,
one giant rat flees...

the elf warlock casts a magical arrow that pierces the head of the packmaster.
the skaven leader bleeds out.

"Think you made a wrong turn...ATTACK!"
the heroic band has foiled some kind of plans for a  necromancer wizard.
the necromancer sends forth some zombies.

the halfling rogue stands fast against the ravenous bites from the giant vermin.

just clearing the sewers of some undead the old fashion way.

after a brave stand off, Whispermouse is taken down by the severe bits
from the giant rats.

"This isn't over. When we meet again you will feel my wraith first hand!"


  1. It all looks grand. I've yet to try the fantasy FfoL, but I am a fan of their other systems. Star Wars with Galactic Heroes is a personal favourite of mine

    1. thanks man. i love FFoL all across the board. pretty much the only system i use now.


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