more dungeon tiles and a follower of Orcus

 recently i went over to, and looked up some more
dungeon tiles to use for our D&D game sessions and overall gameplay.
the one publisher i like to use is Crooked Staff Publishing.
easy download, pay what you want, and very nice looking.
here's a quick link to the CSP page,

Drivethru/Crooked Staff Publishing (click here)

printed out some new dungeon tiles,
this time a sewer system for some underground game play.
these printed out better than i hoped.
might go back and print some more of certain tiles but overall i am satisfied on the product.

some scenes from this past weekend Dungeons and Dragons session
involving the sewer tiles.

a necromancer wizard.
when i first got this figure i was like he's cool he has a badass looking weapon
and a sword in the other hand.
i didn't like the sword very much so i clipped it and added a hand mechanism to his arm
to replace it and treat it as a dagger.
when i went to paint and create a stat block for this npc i come to realize this particular
fellow has the Wand of Orcus, a very powerful artifact in D&D.
well isn't that a coincidence.

a half elf ranger i painted for a member of our D&D group.
he wanted a melee based ranger.
Wizkids does label this figure as a paladin but thats what is cool about these miniatures.
if there isn't a lot of armor u make it whatever within reason in my opinion.

this fellow was a Wizkids town guardsman.
i did him up as a ruffian to add to the small group of rogues and misfits i got going.
he was armed with a halberd but i clipped it and added a handaxe.

finally able to add another member to the D&D party, a panther for the tiefling ranger.

few gaming sessions ago, i finally pulled out the flying skyboat for the group to use/see
and did not get a chance to finish the extra pieces that came with it.
and ladder and a walking plank which can be hooked up to the skyboat on either side.

more to come...


  1. The tiles look good dude! Love that flying boat will have to look for one of those. Was thinking of getting something similar for my Retro Sci Fi stuff

    1. thanks man, its the D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Minis: Skycoach from Wizkids.

  2. Excellent. I may have missed it, but where did you get those excellent tiles?

    1. go to, look under Crooked Staff Publishing and then (pay what you want) Dungeon Tiles.


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