In the City, Shadows Lurk - Fistful of Lead

wanted to play out a scenario of a superhero of sorts against others.
using the Wiley Games Fistful of Lead rules,
giving the main hero a few extra traits and rules to make him just a little bit better
than those he is fighting against.

layout of the table.

the Shadow,
armed with two pistols and cunning know-how.

Karim Jafar, leader of the cult, the Thousand Sons.
with some loyal cult followers.

the Shadow makes his way across rooftops.

cult henchmen make their way across town.

the Shadow goes to make the first attack and fails.
not a good way to start the game off.

the henchmen start to close in,
few of them run out of ammo.

the Shadow leaps into close quarter combat.
a cult henchman took an opportunity to shoot,
only to hit his own fellow.

the Shadow goes to strike one of the cult followers,
and rolls very impressive.
the rest of the cult henchmen forms a line and fires upon the Shadow.
missing the hero and taking out their own men.

by this point, the Shadow did get wounded,
but he shrugged it off and continued on with what needed to be done.

the Shadow floats to the rooftop and stares down Jafar.

the cult henchmen spread out and try again to take out this
mysterious cloaked man.

taking out more men, and one fleeing,
the Shadow turns his attention to Jafar once more.

"it's all over Karim Jafar, it ends now."


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