four foot of raging fury!!

my girlfriend Rita told me the other week that her youngest son joined
a D&D school club and we needed to write up a character sheet.

we sat and picked a race/class and her youngest Sam picked of all things,
gnome barbarian named Hamish.

we rolled for stats and filled out all the slots and information for him to
play his first legit D&D game.

so a week later we were told the person who's running the D&D club is
starting the characters at level 3,
why i have no idea, you figured new players would start at level 1?

so we "leveled up" Sam's character and we played out a small session to get
Sam familiar with the basic rules.

Breena and Hamish explores the sewers under the city,
only to run into a black pudding.

from the shadows the a tortle emerges.
the ascended dragon, Quirog!
didn't realize how much damage the black pudding,
so i added some help to the adventurers.

crawling down a sewer pipe, Hamish runs into a Banderhobb.

this was a mistake being that Sam's barbarian died and was rescued
by the druid and the tortle monk.

Breena and Hamish.

awhile ago i wanted to create a character and give a go at a multi-class character.
so obviously i went with a cleric and a wizard.
after holding on to this figure for a few months,
finally got around to painting him.

maybe in my next D&D campaign i'll run this fellow somewhere.

more to come...


  1. Its always good to hear about new players, and the minis look great

    1. thank you very much, anything smaller than my thumb nail i do not look forward to painting so with that halfling mini i just splashed colors on it.
      my girlfriend's youngest wants to have a D&D birthday where he wants me to DM for himself and his friends.

    2. Birthday D&D party, what an excellent idea.

    3. I'm stoked about it.
      it's not for another 8months but I'm already writing out a one shot adventure.


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