much love for Tenfold Dungeon

recently Miniature Market was running a blowout sale of sorts and i happen to
stumble across Tenfold Dungeons Town set for sale for like almost half the price.
so i was curious what else was on sale and wouldn't you know it
so was the Temple set.

and this could not come at a worst time.
recovering from Christmas, just paid rent and utility bills.
so i did some number juggling and figured i could treat myself to another set.

having two sets now means i can give have more depth in my
dungeons by going up!...or down which ever the case.

couldn't sleep the other night so i took out both sets and created a temple.
(when i took this pic i used everything except for two hallways and one large room.)

and comparing to just one set, having two sets is kind of a sweet deal.
and plus being able to create an even larger temple gives me
the excuse to expand on my ancient temple/ruins scatter terrain pieces.

showed a picture to Rita and she said sometime in the next week or two we
need to run a epic Fistful of Lead game.
definitely going to have a write-up on that game.

entry points that leads you up into the next level.
and whats awesome is i could have one level with a hidden door that becomes
a multi-leveled set-up going down.
the ideas are endless.

back side of the set-up.
i thought to myself i still have a good enough playing area to spare,
how about a third box set. LOL!!


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