
Showing posts from September, 2024

operation MotU: wave 3

continuing with the Masters of the Universe figures from CMON with wave three. wave three consists of Buzz-Off, Fisto, Mekaneck, Orko, Clawful, Kobra Khan, Webstor, and Whiplash. Heroic Warriors. Buzz-Off. Fisto. Mekaneck. Orko. evil lurking in the shadows. Evil Warriors. Clawful. Kobra Khan. Webstor. Whiplash. more to come..

race to the temple - Fistful of MotU

 was able to get a small game of Fistful of Lead yesterday. i created rosters of Master of the Universe characters using various FFoL rule sets. at first i thought this was a cool idea but then as time went on I doubted myself, had to just see what would happen on the table top. layout of the table. making it simple i wanted to do a game of pulp adventures but i haven't gamed with my MotU figures yet so i changed my mind but kept the table set-up the same. and once again i am gaining more mileage out of these Tenfold Dungeon sets then i thought it would. the Heroic Warriors, Man-at-Arms, Ram man, Orko, He-Man, Stratos, and Man-E-Faces (l to r). the Evil Warriors, Skeletor, Trap Jaw, Beast Man, Tri-Klops, Evil-Lyn, Mer-Man (l to r). turn one opened up as Man-at-Arms took some shots at Skeletor. the rest of the groups advance from each other's side of a temple. Orko cast a push back spell and sent Skeletor and Beast Man backwards. thwarting their movement towards the main temple.

a special miniature (or two)

 few days ago a fellow wargamer, misterc posted an entry on his blog, the Periodic Painting Table , and there he was discussing his more favorable miniature. click here to check out that post here. and i think i misread it on what would be your favorite miniature over the years or which miniature are you more attached to. and as reading that particular post if there was one miniature or model that would be my favorite it would have to be the 2nd release of the Great Unclean One from Games Workshop.   the Great Unclean One why would this particular model be special to me? it goes back to little after it was released and the following summer i just started playing chaos space marines for Warhammer 40k and i saw this sitting on the shelf at my local gaming store at the time. i thought what a cool monster what is this thing?!  so i went home and read about it more in my Chaos codex book. after i read more i sold my soul to Nurgle.   not long after i bought the model i thought to myself, s