race to the temple - Fistful of MotU

 was able to get a small game of Fistful of Lead yesterday.
i created rosters of Master of the Universe characters using various FFoL rule sets.
at first i thought this was a cool idea but then as time went on I doubted myself,
had to just see what would happen on the table top.

layout of the table.
making it simple i wanted to do a game of pulp adventures but i haven't gamed with
my MotU figures yet so i changed my mind but kept the table set-up the same.

and once again i am gaining more mileage out of these Tenfold Dungeon sets then
i thought it would.

the Heroic Warriors,
Man-at-Arms, Ram man, Orko, He-Man, Stratos, and Man-E-Faces (l to r).

the Evil Warriors,
Skeletor, Trap Jaw, Beast Man, Tri-Klops, Evil-Lyn, Mer-Man (l to r).

turn one opened up as Man-at-Arms took some shots at Skeletor.

the rest of the groups advance from each other's side of a temple.
Orko cast a push back spell and sent Skeletor and Beast Man backwards.
thwarting their movement towards the main temple. 

by the end of turn one,
a lot of shots were fired but none made their mark.

turn two began with Man-at-Arms taking out Evil-Lyn and Stratos taking some damage
from a volley of firepower courtesy of Trap Jaw.

turn two MVP went to Ram Man.
as Beast Man advances towards He-Man he was intercepted by a charging Ram Man.
cutting down Beast Man then right afterwards being attacked by Mer-Man
and cutting him down also.

by the end of turn two it was pretty much over for the Evil Warriors.

turn three has Man-at-Arms fighting Tri-Klops,
while in the background Trap Jaw takes out Stratos in close combat.

Ram Man charges thunderously towards Skeletor.
it didn't end well for Skeletor,
leaving Trap Jaw the lone survivor. 

i guess it all went well despite worrying about how unbalanced it would be
by mixing the rules of FFoL.
the majority of the deaths came from really great dice rolling.
nothing out of the ordinary.

overall it was fun and i really need to get back into painting the rest of these figures
to get more on the table top.


  1. Nice game! The different forms of FFoL blend pretty well in my experience; I've done Fantasy/Sci-Fi and Fantasy/Horror mixed in the past.

    1. thanks, i mixed Galactic Heroes, Wasteland Warriors, and used the armor stats from FFoL fantasy rules. still trying to find a level ground with certain characters.
      to me all the characters in MotU are special and should be stated as so. so i gave everyone 3 traits, grunts 2 traits and leaders have 3 + Leader trait.

  2. That looks great fun.
    I've never tried mixing the different FfoL games, looks like it works very well

    1. it was fun.,just a race to see who gets to the entrance first, with some modifications, it works pretty good.


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