time to bust some 'eads!!

 began a new adventure of Dungeons and Dragons this past weekend and as a plot device
i cranked out some orcs in the days before the game took place.
i purchased a box of the Wizkids multi-part orcs set and had them built but not painted
for some time now and i figured what a way to get them done is to have them
featured in the game session.

i also had an ogre model laying around so i added that to the orc warband also.
so that model got the same treatment.

menacing ogre attacks few members of a heroic party.

so far the warband i have painted.
still have two more to get done, but i do plan on getting one more box of these so
i can officially have a nice orc warband.

i think i was sort of intimidated of painting these because of the details,
so i used the slapchop method.
and i have to say i am really pleased how these came out.

when putting the light gray and a light coating of white over the black base coat,
when i went to paint the orcs i left any exposed skin untouched.
because i wanted these to be gray skin and not the generic green skins
like we are used to.

duel-welding weapons.
more cuttin' and krumpin' wit!!

with the next box of orcs i plan on getting i'll be making a orc war chief,
but i had this fellow already built and saw he had the same wargear
to represent an Eye of Gruumsh, a type of orcish sorcerer.
i also gave a go at doing some markings on the skin.
i tried to do the symbol of the eye of Gruumsh on his arm.

some orcs with hand weapons and shields.

had this ogre model for some time now and sadly i do not know
the manufacturer.

few ethereal marauders ambushing an orc.

more to come on this little project..


  1. I love orcs and yours look great. I've not tried the latest Wizkids ones, I'm still slowly painting up some of the original WotC prepainted orcs for D&D.
    Is that ogre a Reaper mini? It certainly looks familiar

    1. thanks man, just ordered another box, i love them. hopefully i'll have those painted and ready by next session and posted up on here sooner also. the price could be a little less, but still.
      the ogre i have no idea where it's from, i thought it was a reaper but i can't remember and can't find it on Reaper's website. so i don't know where it's from.

    2. Reaper Mountain Troll. It makes a very impressive ogre.

    3. haha. well that explains why I couldn't find it under "ogre".
      I thought it was a Reaper but couldn't remember. thanks for the info.


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