two knights, one day

well a while back a person i knew gave me 2 pewter miniatures and said these were his D&D figures he used when he played or something like that.

i took a look at them and figured one has to be a good guy and the other is a evil warrior.
god-fearing Templar versus a sadistic knight who practices dark magic.
so i held on to them for quite a bit until i decided to paint them.
so i glued some 32mm MDF bases on them and flock them with sand.
but i was curious on what make/model they were.
after a few inquiries on a Facebook group i am part of good friends were able to inform me
that i had Reaper Miniatures pewter figures.

not really putting much thought into a color scheme,
i just went with whatever paint pots i had near.

 "....for the Light!..."

 "..all power demands sacrifice and pain.."


  1. Replies
    1. after doing these, kinda wanna look around on Reaper's website. Im interested into doing a medieval/fantasy game like Jayson's 80's Pulp.


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