Operation Take and Hold - FFoL: Galactic Heroes

after the FFoL: GH game with the 40k miniatures i recently done,
i swapped out some terrain and brought in my Star Wars miniatures and created a take and hold scenario with a cache of weapons and ammo in the middle of the table.

layout of the table.
Separatists on one side and Galactic Republic on the opposite.

the game objective: the cache of weapons and ammo
the heroes of the Republic needs to take and capture as much as they can and carry it to their carrier.

 team of clone trooper specialists take point over looking the objective creating a point for support fire.

a wookie warrior, Chuuhn makes way to the first cask of weapons but is shaken up and wounded.

 clone trooper with a flamer flanks around a rock to begin planning on melting some tin cans...

the fallen Jedi leads her group around the rough terrain.
..and ambushes a clone trooper.

battle droids take and hold the position of the cache.

such a horrible outcome for the good side.
the dice rolling was not in their favor in this game.
misfires from the clone trooper specialists certainly did not help at all.


  1. Great to see the old "Wizards Of The Coast" Star Wars minis still seeing plenty of action on the tabletop - especially the droid army. Sadly, the Force was clearly not with the Jedi Knight on this occasion. Terrific stuff :-)

    1. thanks man, i was lucky inheriting this collection, i totally missed out on these great miniatures. ive been watching Ebay for more stuff.
      but yeah, the dice weren't helping any with the heroes in this game, i felt bad. lol.


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