Grey Knights for Space Hulk

after i created a Space Marine Terminator Chaplain for the Space Hulk board game, i thought since GW came out with Genestealer Cult rules for Space Hulk why not go a step further and create some more "factions" and characters for the board game. first off i thought of an Inquisitor character. then i went deeper and thought why not an entire squad. why not Grey Knights? i never got to play or even paint any since second edition, i remember buying a few Grey Knights but never really done anything with them. so i thought up some home brew rules for a squad of Grey Knights for Space Hulk. these rules are based on the Grey Knights being in terminator armor. with the weapons most are the same as the original weapons in the board game. i did create and added the Psilencer and Psycannon. and also created a special rule for the Psycannon called: Psyche Devastation: instead killing on a 5+, when targeting daemons, psykers and possessed they are killed on...