the Undead..

finally coming to the end of this epic project for a good friend,
the undead plastic from Mantic Games was really fun to do.
i actually want to get a box or two for myself.
these were painted with about 50/50 Apple Barrel acrylics and Citadel paints.



lonely skeleton in his grave

and his pet

created monster,
from North Star Military Figures.

skeleton infantry.


  1. Oh they look absolutely awesome, Mr Martin. What a wonderful collection of assorted undead. Ghouls, zombies, skellies and even a (Frostgrave) Flesh Golem if I'm not mistaken. Marvellous.

    1. thanks, they were fun.
      i dont have many fantasy-based tabletop rules, to use these in but would love to get myself some just to have. lol.

  2. Nice work on all these undead creatures.

  3. These look great! My favorite are the ghouls and the pet!

    1. thanks man, i need to get me a box or two of these they do look amazing.

  4. Replies
    1. haha thanks, i didnt want to go with the usual gothic/black color theme.
      so i went outside the box and did a blue but black wash to make them look grisly.
      they were fun to paint.


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