Den of the White Serpent pt. II

dragged my feet on these guys for so long, i originally had eight to do but was so sick of painting them,
i just narrowed it down to five miniatures. maybe down the road i'll get some painting mojo back and finish the last three.

 this little group was created because of a buddy suggested i should do a pink skinned warband.
so yeah, i did just that. very different from what i am used to. i do not like to use bright colors or bright pastel colors. I am a dark color kinda guy.

 the leader armed with a spear and shield.

 the other snakemen armed with hand weapons and shields.

had alot of fun doing the bases.
having a fair amount of aquarium rocks my girlfriend gave me from when she had an aquarium,
so i put the rocks and pebbles to good use.
gluing the rocks on first then pva glue sand.
let dry and went back over with Mod Podge,
let that dry and finally painted on some yellow and browns for a mixed color of earthly tones,
and dry brush some Citadel dry brush paint, Hexos Palesun.


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