eldritch horrors and giant creatures

 still plugging away from the miniature haul i was able to get a hold of few months back.
this time around i've been finishing up big creatures of the enormous and cosmic kind.

this model from Reaper Miniatures wasn't from the miniature haul,
but it is part of my Lovecraft collection i started to accumulated.
it is a Reaper Bones Dark Young.

had several of the classic Necromunda creatures, Millisaurs.

and also quite several of the Ripper Jacks.
these came with also Beastmasters from the classic Necromunda line.
i do have giants rats in queue to be completed at the moment.

this fellow is from RAFM Miniatures.
i had to look it up to see what it was or where it come from.
according to their website it is a Lesser Other God.

and this also came from RAFM Miniatures,
and it is a Elder Thing.

now being a person who hates spiders i was like man this would look
great on the table but damn,
wouldn't you know it i actually scared myself one morning while walking into
the game room and seeing this just sitting on the shelf with my other miniatures.
was about to grab the Raid bug spray!
this thing is also from Reaper Miniatures,
it is the Reaper Bones Cadirith, Demonic Colossal Spider.

these little bastards are from Ral Partha.
they are the same ones i painted for a friend last year.
i painted these guys just like the big fellow but unlike the ones from last year
i spared myself time and didn't really focus on any details.

happy little family.


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