Magic: the Gathering miniatures and the Death Dealer

so few weekends ago,
i was able to sift through another load of miniatures from a fellow
gamer who passed away.
and at times i felt guilty because i didn't know the man personally
but knew of him through friendships i have now.

and still it never fails how amazing it feels when you come across things
you never knew existed.
and these are just one example of that.

i saw the back of the package card and saw the Magic: the Gathering logo and
was curious of what it was.
and there was a creature holding a book, and looking for the label of what it is,
i was astonished that it read Dark Ritual.
and i'm thinking well damn,
some company did a line of miniatures of M:tG based
off of the cards themselves.

and then i saw another one.
looked at the miniature but didn't recognized it.
and then i saw the label, Ragman.
i was like a fat kid in a candy store.

(the Magic: the Gathering cards that represent the miniatures shown above.
Rag Man from The Dark set and Dark Ritual which is a card that has been
a fixture from the beginning in the Alpha set and been reprinted many times over.

i looked online seen several other miniatures based off of other cards,
and i noticed that these miniatures have some value.
so i am kinda torn as do i want to paint them or hold on to them?

and also in my finds through the haul of miniatures,
i found this awesome and very beat up
Ral Partha miniature.

and there is only one character of sorts that this figure reminds me of,
and that is Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer.

its funny you look at a miniature and just the pose,
you automatically know what it is.

and the fact that is it older than me,
is pretty damn cool.
and also kinda in between if i wanna paint this fellow or just place
him on a cool base and keep him looking like old and vintage.

down the road i'll be posting more
about some of the throwback miniatures i come across.


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