the League of Thousand Sons

to coincide with my Knights of the Crescent Moon,
i ordered some Gripping Beast Arab spearmen and archers
plastic sprues from Ebay.

i painted a few with firearms,
but in the future i might go with some bows and hand weapons.
i do want to create some characters.
i did make up one but the miniature is not it's final model.

even though there is not much to guard above ground,
appearances are deceiving.

ladders are used so it isn't easy to enter the area.

the proxy of a character i created called
the Black Scorpion.
once i get the proper miniature for this character
i will reuse and rename this figure.

with each plastic sprue there were two hooded head options,
all of the members of the League of Thousand Sons
have their faces hidden.

atop of the main building,
statue of the mythical Manticore.


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