the Bloodsworn

i have taken notice i am starting to accumulate two groups of fantasy miniatures.
all of my Wizkids D&D miniatures or other miniatures that are scaled with them
or just want to use them in my D&D sessions, i use the bases they come with or other
kinds i ordered online which tend to be 1.5mm thick.

any other fantasy miniatures i have like GW/Citadel or Reaper i put them
on 3mm MDF bases.

and recently but slowly i have been picking at my box of shame to get some
figures painted at the bottom i found a two plastic box sets of
GW Chaos Warriors from 1998.

i made each model an individual, despite they are all armed with
either an axe or a mace.

the leader, Tor Lan'gwar.
armed with an axe and shield.

chaotic sorcerer, Mordrek the Damned.
armed with a sword and a arcane focus.

modeling this warband using Wiley Games Fistful of Lead: Fantasy rules,
i also used an old Mordheim Possessed Magister figure.
was not fond of the spiked mace he had, so i clipped the head of it and replaced
it with an orc skull and use it as a staff for game purposes.

Helbrass, armed with mace and shield and
Kastragar, armed with an axe and shield.

Oxblood, armed with an axe and shield and
Egrimm, armed with a mace and shield.

since i have several more Chaos Warriors to build and paint,
with this warband i used classic Warhammer fantasy shields with
skulls clipped and glued over holes that would of been places on
old classic figures that would have small pegs for them to fit on.


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