Zovember to Remember 2022

 a while back a good friend of mine gave me a nice size box of random bits
and plastic sprues from all sorts of GW box sets.
out of all this i was able to put together several plastic zombies
from the classic set GW came out with back in 2000.

when i went to assemble them i didn't give them any hand weapons
because i planned on using them as if they were the classic living dead.
just out to eat some brains.
i tend to use these with my pulp and fantasy games,
and also i put them on 3mm thick MDF bases so they would fit right along side of my
pulp/fantasy miniatures.

when sorting out what i had, i painted first six figures that were not fully clothed.

the only objects the zombies had in their hands were pieces of wood or
a dismembered leg from a unfortunate victim.
only had two who had their guts visible.

the zombies that had more clothing on than the first group.

few heroes finding themselves in a tight spot.

several gunslingers trapped on top of a building,as the undead stalks them.

didn't take any real time to do real detail work,
just wanted to get them painted, based, and done.

hopefully get these on the table for a game soon...


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